Woke to the same obvious thought : Tuesday (dec)

Publié le par Maya Bzz

“The best morning sentrance…”I have been wasting my time here all these seasons…amazing…”

“The best morning sentrance…”I have been wasting my time here all these seasons…amazing…”

“Every time I wake up

I am like 

Great four summer and 3 winter I have been wasting my time here. Every morning, the words that resonate in my head are these. 

The months of December points out very well, that I knew that I would be wasting time here, but being here trapped me so well for obvious reasons. Reasons that are not obvious to everyone. 

To conclude, yes I woke up again, with the very clear thoughts, that I have been wasting my time in this building for so many seasons. And it continues. And I have lost on the way to. Lots of here not in my advantage here. “ she said

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