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Vendredi 1h du mat (dans nuit de jeudi)

“Je supporte pas la manipulation. Je réagis mal face à ça. Ça peut me tuer. Mais ça me tuera pas. Parceque je me calme avec celui qui apese : Dieu” “lord confort my lungs with passion please De 9h30 a 11h trajet pour l’echange fi haut que J’ai récupéré...

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“Toujours abasourdie” Poem For right now only going overseas meeting other humans here and there calm soul and sorrow For she “ only think of self, she the center of the world” “Arrivée Boule d.énergie positive et repartie en boule d’energie negative”...

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Same night of Sunday to Monday

Same night of Sunday to Monday

We love, love. Monday means sun itinerary Minday means week vlog Monday means bank check Monday means LgggzgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggyG Une orange au chocolat « qui ne demande qu’a etregouté.° Apparté...

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Late Sunday

“Detox asap “ she required late in the day Monday on it’s way. First Monday and June. how to put some respect on that ? nearly hot drink and a great story and workout ? Faut respecter. Alors je serre les dents. Je fais de mon mieux.

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