Friday 14th July (in the middle of summertime apparently)

Publié le par Maya Bzz

The awful three days checking in : hourray

The awful three days checking in : hourray


The awful three days stars now. Time for melancholia vibe, let’s call her that way, with the arrival of Lana’s hits.

“If I did tell you how I truly am, how would you have reacted ?”

“When you ask what’s’ up ? I speak weather”

”Just a phone call and she’s less bitter”

Voice : falalalala 


otther talk :

“she will never understand. This is a song to someone who will never understand”

Voice : Yayayaya


other talk : 

“should I shake my world that much for two person I disagree with ? “

voice : yadiyada 



other talk : 

“How often will I check my emails box. Like something exceptional is going on there. Scared to miss something ? Even if expecting nothing, what’s the point ? 

voice : ya ya ya 


other talk 

Maybe let the chords turn, spin

how do you say that ? 
and sing on top the running chords

“how it is to spend time with a real person ? “

”you know with who I spend a lot of time. My thoughts. My thoughts. My old thoughts, my future thoughts, my current thoughts.”

“you know how I see you guy, as a future potential cell. Living in a cell what for ? “


”I am hanging out a bit because we all need fresh air. I am hanging with my grey cloud. And look who I see seating next to me my joyous sunny cloud filled and fulfilled with the ray of shines she got lucky to receive from various sunshines on her way”.

“it’s been a long time for you. I don’t perceive it as such a long time. It is a nutshell of waste of time. And it continues until somebody feels the  “


Can’t be serious- angle

”And there she come . The girl that do not hesitate to wake up everybody with a phone call in the middle of the night. This little girl not thinking of her durrounding, her circle. She woke me up from my sleep. Amazing. It is 11pm”

“I am too old for this shit. I am too early pd for this hate”

”I hate you but will pretend ai don’t”

”she doesn’t  care about this world as if , this house world made of paper and the outside the house world , the unique filled with color.”m

”in so annoying and exhausting too fall asleep in a bubble of hate “

Publié dans musicology, Fiction, sound

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