Fiction still

Publié le par Maya Bzz


So a summer course in jazz or nowadays music course, would just be for rich people ? For half a million euros. A 4 days class for 550euros. This is what they call summer course. Waouh, definitely a rich people vibe. 

Nothing else to add for now. 

Seems like this summer is going to be nothing like musical like. 

Where I live summer break, last for 8 weeks. 

8 weeks without playing with other people. Please don’t mention the idea of playing in the garage I do not own one, we live in an apartment.

Maybe I should check out Gumtree version platform.  Maybe some persons have posted things about collective music. Or even groups, students, adult  that want to create Jams-Sessions. 

This thing should exists as an associative thing to. Imagine all the bored youth that would be happy to spend time learning to play with a group. Who will create that ? Me when I will be old a job I want to escape from, with an associative summer campus.


I am sure I can rely on the free learning there is online on YouTube to be more than familiar with this key words linked to ear training. This is probably what could cost 500euros as a 4 days summer campus. 

And by key words I mean the following ones : 





Fiction title : Hurtful times 

Perception société Mère/enfant, Mère/fille 

Tu fais comment ? How do you deal with that, when the vibe check does not pass ? You pretend?


 Holidays in summertime means, or can be summarised with  sun, sea, sand , food, drinks, good company and repeat.

Publié dans Fiction

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