
Publié le par Maya Bzz

Et bien tout d’abord il est presque 6h du matin. Je suis heureuse d’avoir ouvert mes yeux vers 5h du matin, je suis reconnaissante.  

ÍJe me vois continuer avec mon Pinterest à mettre de l’ordre. Puis à mettre de l’ordre dans mon google drive. 

Et puis voilà. Ensuite j’irais donné ma journée à mes employeurs du samedi. C’est jamais facile de donner sa journée à quelqu’un d’autres que soit même.

M’a question du jours, que dis Ouigo ? 

J’aimerais avoir la même patience capillaire, pour les ornées de ces accessoire lundi, tiens.
J’aimerais avoir la même patience capillaire, pour les ornées de ces accessoire lundi, tiens.

J’aimerais avoir la même patience capillaire, pour les ornées de ces accessoire lundi, tiens.

This is how I see my hair this summer. And then I will be curious to see my hair in a more colorful color somewhere around the 1st of July if Hod willing.
This is how I see my hair this summer. And then I will be curious to see my hair in a more colorful color somewhere around the 1st of July if Hod willing.
This is how I see my hair this summer. And then I will be curious to see my hair in a more colorful color somewhere around the 1st of July if Hod willing.
This is how I see my hair this summer. And then I will be curious to see my hair in a more colorful color somewhere around the 1st of July if Hod willing.
This is how I see my hair this summer. And then I will be curious to see my hair in a more colorful color somewhere around the 1st of July if Hod willing.

This is how I see my hair this summer. And then I will be curious to see my hair in a more colorful color somewhere around the 1st of July if Hod willing.

Bye January, my way to say bye. Seeing the sea 💖 Take a breathe of fresh air.

Bye January, my way to say bye. Seeing the sea 💖 Take a breathe of fresh air.

To gracefully say bye to January this is what my heart needs. So what should I put in my backpack . A white rug, a white plaid, a wooden table tray or table, 4 croissant, a bottle of of hot tea and a cup of tea. A warm coat and parka for the rain. And that is it. Nice hour facing the sea, watching Netflix.

To gracefully say bye to January this is what my heart needs. So what should I put in my backpack . A white rug, a white plaid, a wooden table tray or table, 4 croissant, a bottle of of hot tea and a cup of tea. A warm coat and parka for the rain. And that is it. Nice hour facing the sea, watching Netflix.

I might my solfège class in the train. 

If you guys remember I decided that this year theme was family. So how am I doing so far ? So I still need to have a January tchat with my family member concerning our last “reunion”.

If you guys remember I decided that this year theme was family. So how am I doing so far ? So I still need to have a January tchat with my family member concerning our last “reunion”.

And Japanese wise, this where I am so far. So those word I know : Outside, inside, good night, good evening, ouch, disappointed, hungry, how are you. Sorry, excuse me. I think that is it so far.
And Japanese wise, this where I am so far. So those word I know : Outside, inside, good night, good evening, ouch, disappointed, hungry, how are you. Sorry, excuse me. I think that is it so far.

And Japanese wise, this where I am so far. So those word I know : Outside, inside, good night, good evening, ouch, disappointed, hungry, how are you. Sorry, excuse me. I think that is it so far.

Combien de nouveaux mots par jour je dois apprendre pour comprendre une langue ? 

-— eat : 

- love : 

- Blue : 

-  red : 

- white : 


- good morning:

- good evening: 

- good night : 

- bye : 


-–— - 

-  outside : 

- inside : 

- cold :

- hot : 

- tiède : 


- Sorry : 

- excuse me : 

-  please to meet you : 

- Help : 


-  Proud of you

- Good luck

- Beautiful 

-  nice

- lovely 



- why

-  good idea

-  how

-  I don’t know

- maybe 

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