La répétition, positif ou négative

Publié le par Maya Bzz

“On souffle ?”

“On souffle ?”

“La répétition, c’est seulement bien quand basé sur du mieux. Répéter les choses en faisant constamment mieux. 

Mais la répétition des jours en l’occurrence, basé sur rien, juste laissé passé le temps de façon cyclique, c’est machinale, cela désource, et laisse place à du surplace enivrant à en perdre toute initiative, toute essence. “- she said 


“Time passes, she kept on repeating the same thing. The same days. The same empty place. She wasted her time. She’s 45 now. She dying a little more each. Only waking up to pay her rent early in the morning. What has she done? Trying to escape life harshness, ended up to try nothing. Got trapped in irritation not trying anything. Ended up in the nothing. Trapped, trapped,trapped. Waiting on Sundays, sadly the only day where she feels close to Lord Kingdom. It just sound like a sad sad, bitter story. How did she turned that way ? It’s all started that summer, when she arrived where everything has changed. Main characters nonchalance infuriating her. Something like that. “ she said 




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