
Publié le par Maya Bzz

OOD : not a clue yet. 
Probably Yvonne. And V neck sweat 


Ipad charged 

School 10h15

break 12pm

School 1pm 

PM class 3:30pm

CRD letter / Red  magnet transfer

Free time? To study 5p-8pm

Stay at villetaneuse library?

Repet instrument phobie

(his expectations ? Instrument part clearly written).

Ciné break : breathe

Sleep : understand that tomorrow is Saturday 

Greet people that It has been a while. 
Try again to call B, say hey to M. 

Text message L and J. Say sure to C. 
Try to reach K.

Prepare for Sunday predication. 

side note : What the teacher are expecting in therms of research ?

Friday, Friday, Friday 

The day I say yay.

The day I gain in practice.

The day, where doing more, is more then an aspiration. One takes action.

At least trying is part of the program.

The Jazz café is in my head.

Maybe just because of the great performance I witness.

Looking forward to witness harmony and texture.

.Because this is it is abour

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