If this Friday should have a title it would : “ Let me be”

Publié le par Maya Bzz

The title “Let me be” 

“It is the second Friday of November I believe. 
yay 😒


Little things : ongles qui de pete. Flemme de prendre seizes minutes pour etre en Mose manicure ah ouais.

une carte etudiante toujours pas sur le bureau. Genial. Ou une personne qui me la cache ça me venere. Bon.“ she said




“What a day off during the week should be about. 

A slow november vibe : 

- SZA album 

-Slow November vlog 

-Perfume candle

- And flower explosion ever“ she said

Mettre image de mood black twinkle bell 

Light inside but flower vibe too. No image related to flower found.

Light inside but flower vibe too. No image related to flower found.

Un aspirateur asap enfaite.

Conforama ref : HF122RH Balai Hoover recharge

“Meteo check : sunny but cold. Yay ? Yay. 

Vibe,  light colors

If I hear this again : “C’est lumineux” I shout. 

Cinnamon roll and warm tea and a book. That’s all slow friday please.” She said

“Guys with white outfit yaaaass. 
Seen two outfits this week. Woup woup.

Aesthetics to my eyes” she said




Cinemmon roll 

Cinammon roll 

Cinammon roll

Cinammon roll

Cinammon roll

Cinammon roll

Cinammon roll 

Cinammon roll 

Insert black friday image here : .

“Mais, oh. Meme a la radio, on entend parler de B.Friday. Olala c’est trop. 
Le dernier vendredi du mois c’est la semaine prochaine hein. Pas aujourd’hui enfaite. 
Go en entendre parler pendant au 8 jours. Suivi de cyber monday. 
Non novembre, decembre c’est quelque chose.” Dit Elle.

Ça suffit ad spot, radio jingle etc… More to add, if the image stock want to collaborate.

Ça suffit ad spot, radio jingle etc… More to add, if the image stock want to collaborate.

Sinon  un peu de contexte. 
c’est grave l’inflation. 
Les produits de matières premieres ont tous augmenté. 
A partir du 15 du mois les gens “lambda” on quasi plus de sous ou plus du tout de sous. Les gens en ce moment travaille pour leur charge mais pas pour profiter. Ces mêmes gens vont finir par se poser cette question rhétorique : Pourquoi ils travaillent? Pour quoi is travail? 

Et sans surprise le pouvoir d’achat n’a pas augmenté.

the key words . Travil

The next you will know, is that, you will arrive later than during afternoon in your usual spot, and no proper seat available before 5 to 6pm. 


okay giving up on reading for today. For that it is more likely that you come early around 10am to have the opportunity to read in comfort.



Draft of whatever should have been drafted : 

Side note if I find an image for it, insert here, apparently we are in a place where we are taught how to summarise thing.  : .

So about the rest of the day.

I feel like respect has been put on the value of the day, since I manage to have a “me routine moment” discovering a new storyline on screen. The seats were not the most convenient. But whatever. The story narrating a story that really happened was worth to follow. In my opinion the actors made justice to the narration we just forgot that are actors during the whole 2hours. And where so focused on what occurred to each characters/persons.


Arrived “home” irritated but grateful. 

Before I took many minutes to focus on the last text I saw in class. Apparently, in higher education we are tested to see our ability to synthesize in speed timing , where a given idea is shared. Bruh seems like my ability is quite fragile, in therms of timing. Seems  I am not fast enough. 
I spend more than an extra hour, on this day to try to finish the text analysis I first started in exam session the day before and did not finish during the session day before. 

Speed. Speed always matters. Always.

Might try to copy the final writing  on paper and ask if our tutor don’t mind reviewing it. 

A tissues in the pockets ? In the bag pocket ? 
Plan B, would definitely be paper not gonna lie. 


Second Friday of the month if I am correct right ? 
Tried to made it justice. Since it is the only me-time day. 
Manage to re-read and go deeper on previous class lessons. And manage to have a cut, a break in the evening. 
One can be grateful but not satisfied do you believe it ? You should.

And just like that the days ends. Friday ? Friday who ? Friday what ? Friday where ? 


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